Friday, April 20, 2012

Top Supplements to Support Cancer Prevention

Fighting and or preventing cancer is not a “take one pill in the evening, call me in the morning” philosophy; it must be a multi-pronged approach and must include diet, exercise, proper living, supplementation and aggressive preventative care.  Below, are nine “big guns” of aggressive preventative care.  These supplements don’t cure cancer, but they give your body the building blocks it needs to do its own job, which is to prevent cancer, and in some cases they can even help turn the tables in the right direction for someone who is already fighting cancer!

The most over-looked cancer-fighting agent isn’t in a pill or a box from the vitamin isle, but in the organic produce section of the grocery store.  It is widely known that fresh vegetables contain compounds that have been extensively researched for their cancer-fighting abilities, and yet, most Americans struggle with consuming one serving daily, let alone the minimum of 5 servings.   
Of all vegetables, I strongly recommend dark, leafy green vegetables because of their high amounts of important healing properties. A flavonoid compound called luteolin that is abundant in several green vegetables, such as broccoli, celery, cabbage, spinach, and green pepper, has been shown to exhibit cancer-fighting effects, but may also support healthy inflammatory processes (3). Cruciferous vegetables, such as broccoli, cauliflower, bok choy, cabbage, etc., compounds that have been shown to reduce the formation of tumors, and inhibit cancer cell growth in laboratory and animal studies, and shows promise in inhibiting cancer cell growth and invasion (4).
For disease prevention, at least half of your meals should consist of dark green leafy vegetables.  Consume a variety of cooked, lightly steamed, raw and juiced greens along with fruits (especially berries) and other vegetables to ensure your body can obtain the variety of antioxidants and therapeutic compounds that these foods offer! 
If you can’t get your leafy green vegetables every day, I recommend reaching for a supplement, my favorite is GenEssentials Greens, which you can find online or in health foods stores like Whole Foods.  This supplement offers up to 5 servings of leafy green veggies in just one scoop!  I like to mix it with a little Acai Berry Juice and water in the mornings.  Not only will it deliver all of the cancer-prevention benefits of green veggies, but you’ll notice an increase in energy.  It’s one of my favorite supplements currently on the market.

This is probably one of my top picks this year not only for cancer, but for overall health, this amazing superfood has incredible new research behind it.  Not to be confused with the blackberry, Black Raspberries are very concentrated fruits or berries with antioxidant levels that far surpass other berries.  The dark, rich color of these berries showcases the extremely high levels of antioxidants, called anthocyanins, which are in the Black Raspberries.  Arguably, the Black Raspberry may top the list of berries with the deepest and darkest color and the highest anthocyanin content. What makes this berry exciting in the field of cancer research is that the anthocyanins in this berry may target one of the most deadly and one of the most aggressive forms of cancers: esophageal cancer. 
In one study at Ohio State University, a dietary supplement of pure Freeze-Dried Black Rasberries was shown to inhibit cancer that was chemically-induced in the esophagus of rats by up to 60 percent, and of the colon up to 80 percent (1). The effect of the strong inhibition of the tumor cells in esophageal cancer studies are believed to be due to the cellular uptake and retention of the anthocyanins in the Freeze-Dried Black Raspberries (2). Early research has also shown promising results for treating cervical cancer, and I truly believe that the list of those cancers will continue to grow!  Black Raspberries are also believed to be beneficial for supporting healthy eyes and cardiovascular system.
Although the current data exists from animal research, clinical trials are underway in patients at high risk for esophagus and colon cancer.  Because the Freeze-Dried Black Raspberry supplement may serve as a fantastic source of anthocyanins antioxidants, this fruit may offer hope as a powerful nutritional for many types of cancer.  
There are only a handful of freeze-dried capsule and powder supplement products on the market, I definitely recommend  The company named Pure Health offers 100 percent pure freeze dried capsules with no additives encapsulated in vegetable capsules – I take two every day, and I recommend that all of my clients do the same.  When purchasing supplements, always look for the least amount of “other ingredients”, Pure Health has NONE – and that’s why I love their products!

#3 - IP6
Also known as Inositol Hexaphosphate, IP6 is a fairly new discovery that should be on everyone’s radar screen. It is a type of polyphosphorylated carbohydrate found in cereal grains, beans, brown rice, nuts, and other high-fiber foods.  Many researchers believe that some of the health benefits may be due to the antioxidant, immune enhancing, and cardiovascular supporting activities of IP-6.  Laboratory and animal research has shown IP-6 to have significant protective and growth regulating effects on various unhealthy cells and tissues including those of the colon and prostate (5).
IP6 is available as a dietary supplement and has been known for its beneficial effects, including strengthening the immune system, preventing kidney stone formation and lowering serum cholesterol levels besides showing promise as a cancer-fighting supplement.  Look for it at your favorite health foods store or online.

An exotic superfruit grown in the Eastern tropics, Mangosteen has been considered the “Queen of Fruits,” and for good reason. This fruit has been used traditionally for centuries as a remedy and natural treatment for a variety of health ailments, from inflammatory conditions and arthritis to infections.
However, much of the research on this fruit has been dedicated to the special antioxidants, called xanthones (found in the outer rind of Mangosteen fruits), and their effects on cancer cells.  
Xanthones, such as alpha-Mangostin, have been shown to be toxic to human cancer cells, and contribute to their destruction, while also suppressing tumor development as well as enhancing the sensitivity and effectiveness of chemotherapy (6). The xanthones found in Mangosteen possess an ability to block the conversion of androgens (masculizing hormone) to estrogens (feminizing hormones), which would likely have positive effects of estrogen-sensitive cancers (7).
Although peeled and canned Mangosteen can be found in Asian grocery stores, the whole Mangosteen fruit is rarely found in the U.S.  The outer rind of the fruit is the most desired portion of the fruit from a therapeutic perspective since that is where the powerful xanthones are found.  The best way to get the benefits of the whole Mangosteen fruit, including the xanthones, is to purchase a 100 percent pure Mangosteen juice from your local health food store, with nothing added, and not diluted with water or sugary fruit juices, to obtain the most therapeutic product. You can find pure Mangosteen juice with nothing else added at Whole Foods, Health Food Stores or online on Read the label carefully, and make sure that under “other ingredients” it says the word NONE.

Even though it is required in small amounts, this essential trace mineral is a cancer-fighting powerhouse. Selenium is bonded to methionine, an essential sulfur amino acid, and it functions to increase the activity of the glutathione peroxidase antioxidant system, particularly in the liver, heart and kidney tissues (8). Research shows that selenium may play important roles in reducing free radical damage to DNA that increases the risk for cancer, but it also enhances immunity and decreases inflammation.  It is believed that selenium may suppress tumor growth, and a lack of the trace mineral may contribute to the development of cancer (9). Many of the clinical and laboratory studies focus on selenium’s role in prostate, colon, and lung cancers (10). This antioxidant appears that it would be a fantastic supplement for the prevention of cancer.
It is abundantly found in organ meats, Brazil nuts, seafood, and wheat germ, and it can be taken as a supplement found in health food stores. For the nutritional prevention of cancer, 200 mcg per day of selenium is likely an adequate daily intake (11). Most multivitamins only contain 50-70 mcgs.

Honored for their potent antioxidants and essential fatty acids, native Brazilians have relied on Acai berries as an important source of nutrients.  Unfortunately the recent Acai craze that hit North America over the past 3 – 4 years has brought both positive and negative attention to this potent and powerful superfood.  Most companies exaggerate the benefits of the Acai berry, so it’s very important to only purchase quality products from reputable brands, when in doubt, as someone at your local health foods store.
It is believed that the natural compounds of Acai have contributed to the beautiful appearance, hair, and skin of Brazilians, which has inspired Acai’s nickname of the “beauty berry.”  However, research has determined that the benefits of the berry aren’t merely skin deep!
Although Acai hasn’t been researched as extensively as other exotic superfruits, it is believed that it may offer powerful immune-enhancing benefits.  In vitro laboratory experiments have shown that when the polyphenols from the Acai berry go to battle with isolated human leukemia cells, the Acai polyphenols win.  The Acai polyphenols were found to inhibit the growth of the cancer cells, and destroy them (12), making Acai another interesting, potential candidate for healing. 
Acai berries are extremely perishable and can’t make the trip overseas unless flash frozen.  The berries have a large pit, or seed, which makes them difficult to eat. Subsequently, consuming the berries in the form of a pure juice can provide all the nutritional goodness the berry has to offer closest to its natural state.  Look for a 100% pure Acai supplement at your local health food store, my favorite product is Genesis Today’s Acai100, which you can find at Whole Foods or online.  It might be hard to believe, but Wal-Mart has a very good Acai juice in its refrigerated beverage section next to the orange juice.  This juice contains a whopping 16,000 milligrams of Acai per serving, and it’s also made by Genesis Today.

Grown in volcanic soil, Noni fruits contain a wealth of minerals and compounds that are revered by island natives throughout the South Pacific.  The Noni fruit contains interesting compounds, such as iridoids and anthraquinones, which may play helpful roles in digestion, elimination and detoxification.  Furthermore, the Noni may also provide synergistic, or additive beneficial effects when combined with other herbs and medications having similar properties. The enhanced effects may also be true when Noni is combined with certain chemotherapeutic drugs, increasing Noni’s anti-tumor potential (13).  
The mechanisms of action behind Noni’s possible powerful cancer-fighting properties may lie in the unique compounds in the polysaccharide-rich juice of the fruit. Damnacanthal, is an anthraquinone that may be able to inhibit enzymes that cause the growth of cancer cells (14), while turning off the signals that lead to cancer cell growth and division (15).
The current research on the clinical applications for polysaccharide-rich Noni juice seems encouraging as a potential supplement in the treatment of cancer, especially lung cancer.  Noni is a very bitter fruit with astringent properties that is best taken alone and undiluted.  Look for the ingredients list on the label and be sure to obtain a 100% pure Noni with absolutely nothing else added in order to get the most therapeutic value in the supplement.  

Used for thousands of years in ancient Chinese Medicine, the potential to fight cancer is just one out of dozens of positive effects that may be derived from consuming Goji berries. Known as the “happy” berry, the polysaccharides in Goji have been studied for their supportive effects in vision and eye health, blood sugar and cardiovascular benefits.  The mechanism of action in the berries is the polysaccharides, known as Lycium Barbarum Polysaccharides (or LBPs). These have been found to inhibit the growth, and contribute to the death of human liver tumor cells, and stop cancer cell growth (16). The LBPs may also play a role in increasing the amount of signaling proteins that are involved in boosting immunity against tumors (17). Because the LBPs in Goji may promote healthy immune responses, researchers believe that Goji may offer therapeutic potential for those with cancer. 
 Goji berries can be found in the dried form in many health food stores, but for the most therapeutic effect, a juice that is full of effective polysaccharides will make an impact that many can feel with the first or second dose.  The ancient Chinese used to slow-cook the juice of fresh Goji berries to extract more of the polysaccharides (much like cooking tomatoes increases the lycopene).  A 100 percent pure Goji juice, that is darker in color due to the slow-cooking method, can be found at your local health food store, just as for Goji100, which is the product I recommend.  

Besides aiding in the absorption of calcium to protect strong teeth and bones, vitamin D also facilitates the absorption of calcium in the intestines, and stimulates the absorption of minerals, such as phosphate and magnesium.  It also behaves much like a hormone, since the active form of vitamin D can affect the function of certain genes.  What isn’t commonly known, though, is that a low intake of this fat-soluble vitamin is associated with an increased risk of cervical, breast, and colorectal cancers.  Most of the studies have been population-based case control studies looking at the association between vitamin D levels and the incidence of breast cancer (18). Although correlation shouldn’t be confused with causation, the strong association between low vitamin D intake and breast cancer is compelling.
Vitamin D is a vitamin that is normally obtained from the diet (egg yolk, fish oil, or plant sources), or it can be produced by the skin from the ultraviolet energy of the sun.  However, as more people avoid sun exposure, the supplementation of vitamin D becomes necessary to ensure that the body receives an adequate supply.  The most absorbable form is vitamin D3, or cholecalciferol.  Once in the body, vitamin D turns into 25-hydroxyvitamin D3 (the form that is measured in the blood to assess vitamin D status), and is converted to calcitriol, the active form of vitamin D3.  You can look for vitamin D3 sold as soft-gels in the health food store.  Those not exposed to sunshine on a daily basis may need as much as 5,000 IU (international units) daily.  Be careful with vitamin D because it is a fat soluble vitamin (instead of water soluble) and may store inside your liver if you take too much.

Overall, perhaps we should consider that cancer is not really a disease but rather a symptom, a symptom of something else.  Cancer cells become cancerous not because they are the disease but because they are normal cell reacting to the causative factors of the disease.  While there is no “one-size-fits all” approach to cancer prevention, these supplements, especially when combined with diet and exercise, can help your body do what it was designed to do, which is fight off cancer and other illnesses and defend itself.  When it comes to achieving optimum health and feeling your best, you’re only as good as the tools in your toolbox, and my toolbox is stocked with these incredibly powerful cancer-preventing supplements and foods!

Superfoods that Cure for 2012


Before there were hospitals, ambulances and prescription medications, there was food. And for thousands of years around the globe, people have used food as their medicine. We call these incredible foods with high amounts of nutrients and unmatched healing attributes “superfoods”, and I have spent a very part of my life studying different continents in search of the most powerful superfoods and bringing them to the U.S. so that all people might be able to use these foods to support healing, anti-aging, energy, brain health, heart health and so much more!

This year, I’ve identified the hottest superfoods that you can find at your local health foods store or even Wal-Mar or Targett. These foods can help with everything from libido to gas and indigestion, and they have been used in indigenous cultures in different parts of the world for a combined total of over 10,000 years! That’s some history of healing! Here are my top superfood picks for 2012:

Where it’s found/history: Although native to Japan, this plant has quite a history in the U.S. and around the globe as an invasive species – it is even listed by the World Conservation Union as one of the world’s 100 worst invasive species. As such, you can find Knotweed growing wild in 39 of the 50 U.S. states, it resembles bamboo, although don’t be fooled, it isn’t related. The plant has a reputation for being resilient to cutting as it re-sprouts forcefully from the root – again, it’s this same survival mechanism, this strength against all odds that makes Japanese Knotweed a superfood and why we want it in our bodies fighting for our health. The history of Japanese Knotweed in traditional medicine dates back centuries in Japan.
Why it Works: Japanese is one of the world’s most potent known sources of the anti-aging compound Resveratrol. Resveratrol affects a family of enzymes knowns as the sirtuins. The sirtuin gene has been identified as the gene that controls and regulates lifespan, and is often referred to as the “anti-aging” or longevity gene. While first observed in yeast and other simple life forms, it is increasingly believed that sirtuin enzymes are present in all living organisms, and serve an evolutionary role as universal gatekeepers of cellular health and lifespan.

How to eat it: Traditionally, the bark is used to make a tea. However, there are much more delicious – and easier ways to get your daily dose of Japanese Knotweed and absorb the benefits of this tenacious plant. Japanese knotweed is actually a source in most Resveratrol supplements. I always recommend getting your nutrients in liquid form to better absorption, that’s why I recommend getting your Resveratrol from juice, which has concentrated Japanese Knotweed and delivers 50x the amount of Resveratrol that you would find in a glass of wine – and no hangovers! To get your resveratrol, I recommend Genesis Today’s Pomegranate & Berries with Resveratrol, which you can find in the refrigerated section of Wal-Mart and Safeway stores nationwide. Another option is the Genesis Today 4Resveratrol, which is a highly concentrated Resveratrol supplement made from the Japanese Knotweed, this is available at Whole Foods stores nationwide.

SUPERFOOD: MACA – The Libido Booster…helps with Energy too!
Cultivated high in the Andean Mountains of Peru at altitudes as high as 14,500 feet, the Maca Root grows in a region of violent winds, intense sunlight, and below freezing weather in an area considered some of the worst farmland in the world. Yet, Maca has evolved in order to thrive under these harsh conditions, adapting and developing a unique set of survival skills. It’s these same survival skills that give the Maca Root its incredible healing properties and why it has been used in traditional medicine by the locals for thousands of years. First domesticated by the Incans 2,000 years ago, the use of the Maca Root for nutrition and natural medicine dates back as far as 1600 BC. Maca developed a reputation for boosting libido centuries ago, even the Spanish colonial records document the use of Maca to help fuel reproduction of livestock.
Why it works:
Today, Maca continues to be used in natural medicine in Peru and around the world to support reproductive and sexual disorders as clinical trials indicate that Maca Root can enhance fertility and boost energy. However, the compound responsible for boosting libido hasn’t specifically been identified. There are a couple theories; first, chemical tests have shown that Maca Root contains the naturally-occurring chemical p-methoxybenzyl isothiocyanate, which has reputed aphrodisiac properties. The other conclusion is that Maca Root contains a high concentration of proteins and vital nutrients, in fact, Maca Root contains about 10% protein, most of which is from amino acids. Amino acids are key to driving many cellular functions in the human body, including fertility, sexual function and the manufacturing of neurotransmitters like dopamine and noradrenaline. The benefits of Maca Root could be a combination of both isothiocyanates and amino acids working together – either way, Maca Root helps to boost energy, libido and balance the body.
How to eat it:
Native Peruvians will prepare the root fresh or dried and baked or roasted, similar to a potato. The root has a sharp, sweet taste, almost like butterscotch. In the U.S., the Maca Root is hard to come by, so you won’t find it at your corner grocery! The best way to get Maca is in powder form mixed into a juice or smoothie, but because it’s a hot superfood right now, you can also find it foods like chocolate or pre-packaged teas that you can pick up at Whole Foods.
Be careful with Maca – and with any of the superfoods that we discuss here today – to read the label and don’t fall victim to the hype surrounding superfoods. Everything you consume for the health benefits of superfood should contain a significant amount of the superfood and should be purchased through a reputable distribution channel or retail outlet.

SUPERFOOD: ASAFOETIDA – The Stinky Solution to Gas! 
Where it’s found/history:
Native to Central Asia, specifically Iran and Afghanistan, Asafoetida is now commonly used across Asia and especially in India where it is known as “hing” as nature’s solution to gas and indigestion. Its resin-like gum comes from the dried sap extracted from the stem and roots of a giant species of fennel. Because the resin is difficult to grate, traditionally, it was crushed between stone or pounded with a hammer. Both the root and stems have been used both medicinally and for cooking for thousands of years. The plant is easily identified by its pungent smell, which is also why in multiple languages it is actually called “devil’s dung”. However, the odor and flavor become much more pleasant upon heating in oil acquiring a taste reminiscent of sautéed onion and garlic.
Why it works:
Asafoetida reduces the growth of indigenous microflora in the gut, which naturally reduces flatulence. In some regions of India, more than 60% of the locals use Asafoetida to relieve flatulence and constipation.
How to eat it:
You can find asafetida in a powder form, which is how it is commonly used in Indian cooking. In some parts of Asia, like India and Thailand, it is also smeared on the abdomen after being dissolved in hot water to make a paste. Traditional Indian cooking often uses Asafoetida as a spice, it doesn’t have the smell of the “devil’s dung” and it tastes delicious!

SUPERFOOD: SPIRULINA – Natural Preventative & Alkalinizer!
Where it’s found/history: Spirulina is a microalgae that derives its name from the spiral shape of its filament. It thrives in hot, sunny climates in both fresh and salt water bodies around the globe, and is one of the most primitive sources of plant life that uses only sunlight, water and minerals to grow. The use of Spirulina has history as far back to the 9th century in the African country of Chad where it is still harvested from small lakes and ponds, dried into cakes and sold in local markets. It was also a food source for Aztecs and other Central American indigenous peoples until the 16th century. Today, Spirulina is cultivated commercially around the world with production facilities based in the U.S., Asia and South America.

Why it works: Don’t let the size of this superfood fool you. This microscopic vegetarian organism packs a nutritional punch! Spirulina produces 20 times as much protein as soybeans growing in the same area of land, and it’s a complete protein too – meaning it contains all essential amino acids. Spirulina has a plethora of health benefits (lowers cholesterol, suppresses fatty accumulation in the liver, prevents tumor formation, enhances immunity, protects kidneys), I recommend it for anyone as a staple of your supplement routine, but I especially recommend it as a superfood for vegetarians and anyone trying to lose weight. That’s because as a protein, Spirulina works to fill you up – it is also one of the richest sources of Vitamin B12 and other B vitamins, which are responsible for boosting metabolism, and one of the strongest vegetarian sources of iron. Additionally, Spirulina helps with digestion by increasing the good bacteria in the intestines. No doubt about it, spirulina is definitely one of nature’s most powerful superfoods!

How to eat it: You can find spirulina in pill form and as an ingredient in many fortified food products like these Spirulina Super Chips. However, as usual, I recommend getting your spirulina in liquid form, which you can do by mixing the Spirulina powder or a Greens superfood powder like GenEssentials Greens that will give you Spirulina plus 3 – 5 servings of all your leafy green veggies per scoop, you can find all of these products at Whole Foods. 

SUPERFOOD: GOTU KOLA – Stress reliever & brain booster!
Where’s it’s found/history: Gotu Kola is native to India & Sri Lanka, as well as other regions in Central Asia, it has been used as a medicinal herb in traditional medicines around the globe for thousands of years. It is also a very common ingredient in food and is used in many types of Asian cuisine. In Sri Lanka, there is a saying that “two leaves a day keeps old age away.”
Why it works: Gotu Kola naturally cleanses the blood and boosts circulation, including circulation to the brain, which is why it has been used traditionally as an energy enhancer on the cells of the brain. Gotu Kola is used to calm the body and mind while also working to improve memory – in fact it is sometimes known as the memory herb!
How to eat it: You can add Gotu Kola to your cooking or if you’re just looking to relax, try taking some of the dried herb and making a tea out of it. 

SUPERFOOD: ACEROLA – A natural immunity booster!
Where’s it’s found/history: Acerola looks like the cherry, but it offers a completely different taste and nutritional makeup. Native to Central America, South America and Jamaica, Acerola is as common and popular across Latin America as OJ is here in the U.S. – and it has been consumed for thousands of years to boost immunity.
Why it works: Acerola is one of the richest sources of natural Vitamin C, which we all know boosts immunity. Picture this, Oranges have about 500 to 4,000 parts per million of Vitamin C – but Acerola has a whopping 16,000 to 172,000 parts per million of Vitamin C, that’s somewhere around 40 times more Vitamin C than oranges! It might be time to rethink your drink. Vitamin C is not only great for immunity, but it is also a powerful antioxidant that helps fight cellular aging.
How to eat it: Across most of Latin America, you can find Acerola juice just like you can find Orange Juice here in the states. I found Acerola Vitamin C chews at Whole Foods, but you can also find Acerola as an ingredient in many energy drinks. I know you probably wouldn’t expect me to recommend an energy drink, but I highly recommend Wake Me by Genesis Today, which you can find at Wal-Mart in the refrigerated beverage section next to the OJ. This drink combines two of my favorite superfoods, Guarana and Acerola, it tastes delicious and it gives you the most incredible clean, pure, energy – and no crash like you get from those sugary energy drinks.

SUPERFOOD: CAT’S CLAW – Sets your digestive system to normal – the smooth mover!
Where’s it’s found/history: Known locally in South America as the “unha de gato,” Cat’s Claw is a powerful, woody vine that gets its name from the claw-like thorns that grow on the vine. The plant is very strong and resilient; it’s this type of plant—with the ability to fight with and dominate other plant species—that gives it exceptional healing capabilities. The Cat’s Claw has been used medicinally by multiple indigenous tribes for thousands of years, with the earliest written documentation taking place about 2,000 years ago. While Cat’s Claw is native to the Amazon, it also grows in the U.S., and it has been known to takeover gardens because of its aggressive growth.
Why it works: Some natural medicine doctors today refer to cat’s claw as the “opener of the way” because it works to cleanse the entire intestinal tract and treats many stomach and bowel disorders like Crohn’s disease and leaky bowel syndrome. That’s why you will often find cat’s claw in fiber supplementsThe herb is also incredibly effective at relieving inflammation; some studies have shown that cat’s claw, which contains glycosides, could inhibit inflammation from 46% to up to 89% in various in vivo and in vitro tests. This furthers the support of using Cat’s Claw for use as a gentle way to cleanse the intestinal tract.
How to eat it: You can get the bark of the cat’s claw plant, which is the most potent part of the plant, and make a tea out of it. However, I recommend a more simple and more concentrated form like the pure powdered form, which you can throw into smoothies or mix with juice, or a tincture. I take Cat’s Claw daily with my GenEssentials Fiber supplement, which you can find at Whole Foods.

Naturopathic Healing Benefits of Maca Root

Maca Root

Maca Root Benefits
Peru, in South America is where you’ll find the Maca plant. It is considered an adaptogen, meaning that is helps the body and mind adapt to stresses of all kinds and exerts an overall normalizing effect on the person who consumes it.

Maca root is loaded with vitamins, minerals, trace minerals, good fats, amino acids and plant sterols, making it a very nutritious whole food. It has been called a “potent superfood” and can improve our health in many ways.
Some of it’s many health benefits include increasing physical strength, stamina and energy. In fact, Maca is so good at boosting energy and endurance levels, it’s being taken by many athletes.

Maca root is most notably known for it’s ability to improve sexual function and libido. It has been used to solve infertility conditions and is said to increase the production of sperm and semen volume. It can be used as a treatment for impotency and erectile dysfunction also.
Consumption of this root will increase sex hormones, such as testosterone. For these reasons, it’s very popular with men of all ages.

Maca is also a natural hormone balancing agent, which is helpful to men and women alike. Women use it to alleviate the symptoms of menopause, such as hot flashes, mood swings and sleeping problems. Too much or too little estrogen is a problem that plagues many women. Maca dramatically fixes these problems.

It works as a hormone regulator that can bring balance back to your body. This will help get rid of troublesome and painful menstrual and menopausal symptoms. Many naturopaths recommend women take maca root as an alternative to hormone replacement therapy. It can also be helpful to women going through pre-menopause and post-menopause.
It’s also reported to support endocrine health, help reduce stress, relieve depression, failing memory and impart a general sense of wellbeing.

Maca calms the nerves because of it’s fatty acid, phosphorus, calcium and B1 and B12 vitamin content. These are all very beneficial to the nervous system.

It can also be used as an aid to digestion and to improve healthy appetite. It’s vitamin C, calcium and sterol content help build muscle and it’s starch content enhances physical endurance. And best of all, these healthy compounds are easily assimilated by the body due to maca’s beneficial alkaloids.

If You Are Over 30
If you are over 30, you'll want to take some Maca Magic (Powder or Capsules) with this. Then you'll be able to run circles around people your own age. We've experienced truly wonderful results with this one.  What is Maca Magic?

Maca Uses:

  • Increase energy
  • Increase strength and stamina
  • Improve cognitive functioning
  • Improve mental clarity and memory
  • Enhances learning and mental ability
  • Reduce anxiety, stress and depression
  • Normalize progesterone, estrogen and testosterone
  • Decrease mood swings and hot flashes
  • Treat hormonal imbalance
  • Menstrual relief
  • Regulate hormones
  • Relieve symptoms of menopause
  • Regulate menstrual cycles
  • Treat chronic fatigue
  • Treat insomnia
  • Improves sexual function in men and women
  • Enhance fertility
  • Treat erectile dysfunction
  • As an antioxidant and anti-carcinogen
  • Improve mental wellbeing
  • Treat infertility
  • Increase libido
  • Benefit pituitary gland
  • Stimulate the immune system
  • Overcome physical and mental stress
  • Fuel the endocrine system
  • Treat exhaustion
  • Improve the functioning of the circulatory system
  • Make skin look younger
  • Strengthen teeth and bones
  • Kill bacteria and fungus

Scientific Name: Lepidium meyenii
Common Names: Peruvian ginseng
Where It’s Found: Maca is native to Peru
Which Part Is Used: The root

How It Works
Maca root contains many vitamins, minerals, important trace minerals, plant sterols, healthy fats, amino acids, protein, fiber, tannins and macro and micronutrients. It is a whole food that fuels you body with high quality nutrition.

How It’s Used
Maca in usually dried and powered. It can be mixed into food or drinks or used in capsules or tablets.

Precautions and Side Effects:
Maca is high in iodine and should not be taken by people with thyroid disease. It has stimulant properties and can raise heart rate. Some people have reported stomach upset after large doses. If you are pregnant or nursing, never take this or any health supplement without first consulting you doctor.

Description and History Of Maca Root
Maca is an self-cultivating annual plant that lives in the Peruvian Andes. It inhabits summits and high plateaus. It does well at altitudes up to fourteen thousand feet and in some of the harshest conditions imaginable. It is able to thrive in rocky soil, freezing weather and violent winds. It is a very hardy plant indeed.

The villagers of the Peruvian highlands have been consuming maca root for hundreds of years for it’s nutritional benefits. Maca was often given to Inca warriors before battle to increase their strength and stamina. After conquering the Inca, the Spaniards learned of the benefits of maca and began exporting it back to Spain.

Naturopathic Ways to Lower Blood Pressure

Naturopathic Treatment for High Blood Pressure

"Hypertension" is the medical term for high blood pressure. High blood pressure that has no known cause is called primary, or essential, hypertension. This type of high blood pressure is the most common and responds well to lifestyle changes, such as losing weight, dietary changes, exercise, and stress reduction. Natural treatment of essential hypertension can bring blood pressure values into the normal range; however, if lifestyle changes are not maintained, hypertension will probably return. Secondary hypertension has an organic cause (i.e., kidney disease, pregnancy) and must be evaluated and monitored by a physician since the underlying cause must also be addressed.

Nutrition & Blood Pressure

Hypertensive people can remarkably reduce their blood pressure through nutritional changes. Increasing the amount of vegetables and fruit and reducing the amount of fat and cholesterol will not only reduce blood pressure but can help with weight loss, which also lowers blood pressure.
  • Eat whole, fresh, unrefined, and unprocessed foods. Include fruits, vegetables, garlic, onion, whole grains, soy, beans, seeds, nuts, olive oil, and cold-water fish (salmon, tuna, sardines, halibut, and mackerel).
  • Low sodium-high potassium diet. Most people are aware that reducing sodium (salt) intake can help reduce blood pressure. However, that may not be the whole picture. Restricting sodium intake to lower blood pressure appears to work better if accompanied by increasing potassium intake. Keep in mind that reducing sodium intake involves more than not using a salt shaker, but also reading processed and prepared food labels for the sodium content.
  • Avoid salt, sugar, dairy products, refined foods, fried foods, junk foods, and caffeine.
  • Eliminate food sensitivities. Use an elimination and challenge diet to determine food sensitivities.
  • Drink 50% of your body weight in ounces of water daily (e.g., if you weigh 150 lbs, drink 75 oz of water daily).

Dietary Supplements & Blood Pressure

Supplements are intended to provide nutritional support. Because a supplement or a recommended dose may not be appropriate for all persons, a physician (i.e., a licensed naturopathic physician or holistic MD or DO) should be consulted before using any product. Recommended doses follow:
  • Calcium—Take 800-1500 mg daily.
  • Vitamin C—Take 1000 mg daily.
  • Coenzyme Q10—Take 50 mg two times daily.
  • Flaxseed meal—Grind 2–4 tablespoons daily. Flaxseed meal is a better choice due to its fiber, lignan, and vitamin content, but flaxseed oil (1 tbsp daily) can be substituted.

Herbal Medicine & Blood Pressure

Herbal medicines rarely have significant side effects when used appropriately and at suggested doses. Occasionally, an herb at the prescribed dose causes stomach upset or a headache. This may reflect the purity of the preparation or added ingredients, such as synthetic binders or fillers. For this reason, it is recommended that only high-quality products be used. As with all medications, more is not better and overdosing can lead to serious illness and death.
These herbs are often used to treat hypertension; however, they have serious side effects if taken in large doses. It is recommended that these herbs be used only with a physician's supervision.
  • Coleus forskohlii—Lowers blood pressure and improves heart function.
  • Hawthorne (Crataegus oxycantha)—Has the ability to dilate coronary blood vessels, which helps lower blood pressure.
  • Mistletoe (Viscum album)—Not as potent as Rauwolfia but well tolerated and nontoxic in normal doses.
  • Rauwolfia (Rauwolfia serpentina)—This is considered the most powerful hypotensive botanical. Only a small dose is required to achieve results and to avoid side effects. Nasal congestion is the most common side effect.

Homeopathy & Blood Pressure

The appropriate homeopathic remedy can help move the body and mind toward healing. A trained homeopathic practitioner is needed to identify and prescribe a deep-acting, constitutional remedy.